GOOGLE ALERTS sends daily lists of the articles found on the internet that contain key words regarding me personally and All the Best Weddings & Celebrations. Some of the articles pertain to event planning and some do not.  If I click on those that seem to be of interest it starts me on a trail of additional links which can go on for hours.

Today, for example, there was a link to a blog on Style Me Pretty which contained links to three other websites each with links to even more websites and blogs. From this search I added two blogs to my “watch” list which was the purpose of clicking on the original link in the first place. During the search for relevant wedding web content I got off on a tangent for recipes which lead me to two sites I NEVER would have known existed had I not been searching for items of interest to archive for later use. The potential to keep wandering is endless.

The amount of information out there can be overwhelming. If today is the day you’re looking for wedding color palettes stick to that and try not to wander off. If you find other sites during this search that will help you with your next search for let’s say “centerpiece ideas” bookmark them for later. Once you get off the specific path you were on you might forget why you started in the first place, waste two hours (usually at work – on average a bride spends 2 hours per workday on her computer doing things that are wedding related), and have gotten nothing accomplished.

Be focused on the task at hand and try not to stray off course.  Once you do, you may be doomed.